Stay as you are… This year’s theme, Dr. Motte already remained true to for unbelievable 30 years of DJ-ing. Stay as you are is also the theme of the Nature One 2015 and OF COURSE this is a “Must-Play-Event” on Dr. Mottes anniversary tour FRIEDE. FREUDE. EIERKUCHEN.
- “Sold out!” – You can still hear these words reverberating from last year. And again, Nature One is sold out this year! Congratulations guys. 🙂
- I am very happy and proud to celebrate my 30th DJ anniversary at Nature One 2015 with such a perfect matching theme. And furthermore, I happy happy happy to present you my very own musical history in two DJ sets – a classical Techno set on the Classic Terminal and a very now Techno set at the HEXENHOUSE meets Heaven & Hill Festival floor.
- “Dr. Motte, we call you Techno!” (Team Nature One)
- Come home to NatureOne-land. Feel free. Cast all your cares to the wind. Party for four days and three nights doing your own thing with people in tune with your mind.
Don’t change yourselves – change the world! Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen. <3 🙂