Dr. Motte & nineties berlin pres. “30 Jahre Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen” – Love-Truck at CSD Berlin
nineties berlin, in coop. with dr. motte and rave the planet, is presenting the exclusive “30 Jahre Friede, Freude-Eierkuchen” love-truck at Berlin Pride.
1000 Tage Techno Podcast #001 – Der Paradengipfel (German only)
Mit dem Thema “Liebesparaden heute, gestern, morgen!” ging am 10.08.2018 der neue Podcast von “Frontpage”-Macher Jürgen Laarman an den Start. Zur hören auf iTunes, Spotify und Deezer.
Haris Audio in Conversation with Dr. Motte
The other day in Berlin… Haris visited me in my office and we had a nice chat about everything and anything.
SOLD OUT – Dr. Motte @ Nature One 2015
Stay as you are… This year’s theme, Dr. Motte already remained true to for unbelievable 30 years of DJ-ing. Stay as you are is also the theme of the Nature One 2015 and OF COURSE this is a “Must-Play-Event” on Dr. Mottes anniversary tour FRIEDE. FREUDE. EIERKUCHEN.
Media Markt Monster Mix Party & Autograph Session
Somebody called for the doctor… Dr. who? Dr. Motte!
New Podcast: ACID For FluxFM
acid for fluxfm podcast for clubsandwich on www.fluxfm.de broadcast on NOV 15th 2014
New Mix: Dr. Motte @ Bewegungstherapie
Here is a new live recording from 25/10/2014 – Dr. Motte @ Bewegungstherapie, Club 27 Tübingen, Germany.