Today Dr. Mottes Facebook fanpage reached 24.000 likes! Continue Reading... "THANK YOU FOR 24.000 LIKES"
PRAXXIZ Spring Sale 2014
From May 9th to 23rd 2014 it’s time for the PRAXXIZ Spring Sale. Everything must go! Continue Reading... "PRAXXIZ Spring Sale 2014"
New Dr. Motte Mixtape May 2014
Here is a new Dr. Motte Mixtape which I recorded today for you Continue Reading... "New Dr. Motte Mixtape May 2014"
TOP100 FOR Dr. Motte & Robert Babicz ‘PRAXXIZ 20’
TOP100 FOR Dr. Motte & Robert Babicz ‘PRAXXIZ 20’ – On April 24th, our latest release ‘PRAXXIZ 20′ by Dr. Motte & Robert Babicz made an impact in the Techno Top100! But wait, it’s getting so much better… We reached the amazing #21! Continue Reading... "TOP100 FOR Dr. Motte & Robert Babicz ‘PRAXXIZ 20’"
New Techno Mixtape April 1991
I have a new energetic Techno Mixtape from April 1991 for you. Continue Reading... "New Techno Mixtape April 1991"
Lost Tapes: 1990 Techno by Dr. Motte
Today we found another mixtape from 1990 by Dr. Motte. An incredible homemade mix from the early days of Techno! Continue Reading... "Lost Tapes: 1990 Techno by Dr. Motte"
Dr. Mottes “Best Of 2013 Mix”
Best of Techno 2013 – selected and mixed by Dr. Motte. Continue Reading... "Dr. Mottes “Best Of 2013 Mix”"
Dr. Motte bittet um Entschuldigung
Alle Menschen – egal welche Hautfarbe, Abstammung, Herkunft, Sexualität oder Religion sie haben – sind für mich Teil der großen Familie der Menschen auf diesem Planeten. Continue Reading... "Dr. Motte bittet um Entschuldigung"
Winner Of The Dinner!
“I’m not alone” – Thank you for sharing and supporting! Here’s the winner of the dinner! Continue Reading... "Winner Of The Dinner!"
VIDEO ONLINE: Dr. Motte @ Spirit Club Bratislava
Discover 50 min of Dr. Motte’s DJ set from Dec 13th 2013 @ Spirit Club Bratislava, Slovakia. Continue Reading... "VIDEO ONLINE: Dr. Motte @ Spirit Club Bratislava"