nineties berlin, in coop. with dr. motte and rave the planet, is presenting the exclusive “30 Jahre Friede, Freude-Eierkuchen” love-truck at Berlin Pride. Continue Reading... "Dr. Motte & nineties berlin pres. “30 Jahre Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen” – Love-Truck at CSD Berlin"
Tag: inventor of the love parade
Temporary Exhibition: 30 Jahre Loveparade
On 1 July 1989, months before the fall of the Berlin Wall, history was written: Music history, world history – but above all a love story. Continue Reading... "Temporary Exhibition: 30 Jahre Loveparade"
Temporary Exhibition In The Making
Dr. Motte and nineties berlin are looking for videos and photos of the Berlin Loveparades Continue Reading... "Temporary Exhibition In The Making"
ARTE Concert & Red Bull Music pres. Dr. Motte @ Funkhaus Berlin
>>> Playlist here <<< Some people say that… “Techno was born in Detroit, but the genre has long called Berlin a second home. Continue Reading... "ARTE Concert & Red Bull Music pres. Dr. Motte @ Funkhaus Berlin"